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Third Hand
Drawing of the tool’s component parts: bolted base with swivel collar, curved arm with end connector, and straight arm with sliding locking pliers.

The Third Hand is a device that Valley Springs, SD, farmer Doug Bos made to support parts for welding. He welded a bolt to his welding table then attached to it a swivel collar with a two-section arm. The swivel allows the arm to rotate around the bolt, and the two-section arm pivots to nearly any angle. A locking pliers was mounted such as to slide along the length of the outer arm.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Upper extremity, Visual

SourceDoug Bos
R.R. 1, Box 71
Beaver Creek, MN, 56116
Est. Cost$5
Last updated: Feb 10, 2017

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