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Alternating-Tread Stairway
Facing forward descending this stairway is an adult male carrying a toolbox in his right hand while his left hand is on the left guardrail for stability.

The Alternating-Tread Stairway is a hybrid between a ladder and a conventional stairway for accessing the farm shop storage lofts or racks. Less steep than a ladder, the Alternating-Tread Stairway provides adequately wide treads without the need for having large vertical steps. This allows the worker to descend facing forward with hands free, permitting him/her to carry a small load. The stairway also takes up less space than a standard staircase and can be either portable or fastened permanently for access to upper levels.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Visual, Lower extremity

SourceLapeyre Stair Company
P.O. Box 50699
New Orleans, LA, 70150
Est. Cost$1,000 and up depending on configuration
Last updated: Dec 29, 2023

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