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Sip-and-Puff Fishing Pole
An adult male in his wheelchair, the motorized rod hinged and reel bolted to a board extending out from the chair and the vacuum tubes running from rod/reel to his mouth area.

The Sip-and-Puff Fishing Pole, developed by Kevin Holthaus of Centralia, KS, can be controlled by inhaling and exhaling through vacuum tubes. The device operates similar to the Van's E-Z Cast, with one exception. Instead of manually pulling the rod back then pivoting it forward, the user inhales ("sips") through a tube to create a vacuum that triggers a switch causing a motor to pivot the pole back against spring tension. When the vacuum is released, the spring whips the pole forward, casting out the line. To retrieve the line, the user blows ("puffs") to pressurize the tube, which activates a switch causing another motor to reel in the line.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Upper extremity

SourceKevin Holthaus
Route #1, Box 10
Centralia, KS, 66415
Est. Cost$450
Last updated: Aug 30, 2022

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