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Batch Feather Picker
Round stationary drum (the facing-inward rubber fingers inserted in the holes) sitting atop the square metal motor-containing ‘box.’

A Batch Feather Picker is used to pluck feathers from a chicken without manual exertion. Once killed and scalded to loosen the feathers, three to four chickens are placed in a 25-inch-wide drum that has rubber fingers protruding in from the sidewalls. The floor of the drum spins the chickens inside the stationary sidewalls, and the rubber fingers knock the feathers free from the skin. A fan then draws the loosened feathers out the floor of the drum. (The device can also be used to pluck one turkey at a time.)

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Upper extremity, Visual

SourceBrower Equipment, Inc
P.O. Box 2000
609 Main Street
Houghton, IA, 52631
Est. Cost$2,200 (Contact supplier for current pricing)
Last updated: Feb 14, 2017

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